No Tracking Number Yet
- If you have not received a tracking number via email, please reach out to us through our Contact Form page. We will inquire with our Fulfillment Center to see if a modification can still be made. You can expect an update within 24 to 48 business hours regarding the success of the modification.
The Tracking Number Has Been Emailed
- If the shipment status indicates “Label Created” or “The shipment notification has been sent”, please reach out to us via our Contact Form page. We will inquire with our Fulfillment Center to determine if a modification is still feasible. You can expect an update within 24 to 48 business hours regarding the outcome.
- We kindly ask for your understanding that if the shipment status has changed from “Label Created” or “The shipment notification has been sent”, we cannot guarantee the ability to retract the parcel, as it has already departed from our Fulfillment Center and is in transit. Nevertheless, we will do our best to find a solution.
If you require further assistance, submit a ticket here. We will respond within 48 hours.